Create custom pages by combining macros in Confluence
In this post, I would like to spark your imagination around how you can build up super useful pages by combining macros into a single page. Nothing too groundbreaking here from a technical point of view. I simply would like...

Roadmap like a boss!
In this post, we’ll look at how to create an awesome roadmap using Confluence’s road mapping planner macro. This roadmap will give your team visibility over their current and future work streams, dependencies on internal or external events and deep...

How to create summary pages in Confluence using the page properties report macro
Have you seen a summary page within Confluence that looks like decision log below and thought “I wish I were able to create a similar summary page for my custom built pages?” Well, you can, it’s easy and once you...

Create your own custom dashboards
If you’re like me and work in a role where you’re measuring project financials or various growth metrics, it’s always nice to have a dashboard where you can see all your metrics in once place. In this post, I’ll show...

How to use the Confluence gallery macro
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to not only use Atlassian’s Confluence gallery macro, but also a few neat ways to implement the macro into your organisation. So first up, what is the gallery macro? The gallery macro is...

Get your WordPress site up and running on Digital Ocean
In this quick tutorial, I’ll show you how to get up and running with a fresh WordPress install on the hosting provider Digital Ocean. This is this exact process I used to get LightManyFires.com live.